The Covid-19 crisis offers opportunities to create a better world - can we seize them? The Meteor 1:26:17 4 years ago 55 Далее Скачать
The Covid-19 Pandemic: From Global Crisis to a Better World Prof Sebastiaan (Ian) Rothmann 52:10 3 years ago 158 Далее Скачать
Covid-19 and building a better world: crisis or opportunity? Institute of Development Studies 38:01 Streamed 3 years ago 163 Далее Скачать
IDS Bulletin launch - Covid-19 and building a better world: crisis or opportunity? Institute of Development Studies 1:01:03 3 years ago 134 Далее Скачать
Seize the day: opportunities and costs in the COVID-19 crisis Cambridge University Press 51:06 3 years ago 119 Далее Скачать
Our planet after COVID-19 could be healthier and better protected | Pioneers for Our Planet World Economic Forum 4:10 4 years ago 7 210 Далее Скачать
The Road to Recovery: how can the Covid-19 crisis provide an opportunity to improve later lives? Centre for Ageing Better 57:21 Streamed 4 years ago 1 014 Далее Скачать
Rescue: from global crisis to a better world | LSE Online Event LSE 56:56 3 years ago 544 Далее Скачать
Covid-19 and development – building back better? Institute of Development Studies 59:27 Streamed 4 years ago 994 Далее Скачать
Will productivity and growth return after the COVID 19 crisis? MGI Economic Insights Webinar McKinsey & Company 1:02:24 3 years ago 1 762 Далее Скачать
Is the coronavirus crisis a chance to rethink the world? | BBC Ideas BBC Ideas 3:05 4 years ago 13 606 Далее Скачать
Simon Gallow: From crisis to recovery: achieving an equal future in a post-COVID-19 world European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) 1:14:38 3 years ago 240 Далее Скачать
Book Launch: Ian Goldin: "Rescue: From Global Crisis to a Better World" chaired by Nik Gowing Oxford Martin School 59:47 Streamed 3 years ago 952 Далее Скачать
Coronavirus: Raghuram Rajan, economist, on the economic impact of Covid-19 - BBC HARDtalk BBC HARDtalk 24:35 4 years ago 163 392 Далее Скачать
Building resilience through and beyond the Covid-19 crisis, NPC event NPC 1:09:00 4 years ago 85 Далее Скачать
Make or break: The implications of COVID-19 for crisis financing PHAPassociation 1:31:33 4 years ago 294 Далее Скачать
How the COVID pandemic can create security for the next crisis | Dr. Angela Dunn | TEDxSaltLakeCity TEDx Talks 10:42 3 years ago 57 207 Далее Скачать
GCV Webinar: COVID-19 Crisis & Funding Opportunities - 2 April 2020 Global Corporate Venturing 59:03 4 years ago 629 Далее Скачать
The World Post-Coronavirus Crisis: Wharton Tarnopol Dean’s Lecture Series Wharton School 59:42 4 years ago 7 769 Далее Скачать